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7 Qs to help you spring clean your closet

Trying to pare down your wardrobe can be a monumental and surprisingly exhausting task. The sheer volume of clothing we accumulate over time, coupled with sentimental attachments like first dates and perfect vacations, can make the process slow and draining. However, by asking yourself a few key questions, you can gain clarity on what to keep and what to release and re-home.

Without further ado, here are some of my go-to questions to help you streamline your wardrobe this Spring:

1. What is this item’s “weakest link”? Is it too itchy? Does it have a stubborn zipper that makes getting dressed a battle? Is the cut just a little off? Did it never recover from that time you spilled tikka masala on it? Ask yourself if these imperfections are preventing you from wearing the item altogether (hint: often they are!). If so, it’s time for it to go.

2. Do I still genuinely like this piece? Our personal style evolves over time, so it's essential to reassess whether you still resonate with each item in your wardrobe. Are you holding onto something simply because you used to like it, or does it align with your current tastes? Ask yourself if you would be willing to purchase the item again if you were shopping today.

3. Could someone else benefit from and love this item more than me? Do you have a friend who would borrow that top in a heartbeat or a relative who could make better use of the item? Gifting clothing (or donating it if no one comes to mind) can give your pieces a new lease on life and bring joy to someone else. It's even more special when you can see a friend or loved one glowing in their new-to-them outfit.

4. Do I have duplicates of this item? Take stock of how many similar items you own, such as multiple pairs of jeans or several cardigans. Assess whether you wear some more frequently than others, and consider keeping only the ones you reach for regularly.

5. Am I holding onto this item for sentimental reasons? We all have that piece of one clothing that's bound up in nostalgia. Reflect on whether there are alternative ways to honor those memories, such as repurposing your great aunt's scarf to make a pillow.

6. Am I keeping this out of guilt? We all buy things now and again that seem like a great idea in the dressing room but don't pan out in real life. Letting go of items purchased but never worn can be accompanied by feelings of guilt. Remember that it's okay to forgive yourself for past shopping decisions and prioritize freeing up your closet space for items you truly love to wear.

7. Is this item a gift I feel obligated to keep? Gifts, while given with good intentions, may not always align with our personal style or preferences. It's okay to part with gifts that no longer serve you, because the love behind the gift is what truly stays with you.

Remember, decluttering your wardrobe doesn't mean throwing everything in the bin. Consider textile recycling for items beyond repair or donating special pieces to local school theater departments, where they can find new life on stage.

By asking yourself these questions and approaching the process with gratitude and an open heart, you can create a wardrobe that reflects your authentic style and brings you joy every time you open your closet doors.

