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Practicing self-love through home care

How sweeping the floor can be an act of self-love.

We’re programmed to think of housekeeping as a burden, a chore. And as we all know by now, our thoughts tend to become our reality.

So if you’re bummed about having to spend time cleaning, decluttering, or organizing your space, you might want to try reframing the whole thing as - get this - an act of self-love.


Wild, I know. But hear me out. 

How do you feel when you come home to a clear, clean space? When you open the door to a calm and inviting place that feels taken care of and well-tended to? 

And how do you feel when you come home to a place that is messy, unorganized, and full of visual reminders of things you have to do?

Most people prefer option 1 :-p

That's because as humans our brains are wired to prefer order over chaos.  Places that are visually over-stimulating can made it difficult to focus and relax, preventing us from fully thriving in our homes.

Despite this, we all have different tolerances for mess, and that's perfectly normal. But I've found that the more you connect to your home, the less you are willing to tolerate chaos within it. 

The beauty of it is that you determine what loving house care looks like for you! This is not about shaming you if you consider yourself “messy,” or if you prefer to organize in piles vs put things in specific places. Instead, I'm simply inviting you to determine how you can make your home a magical place that helps stress melt away and allows you to feel fully present and content, even when times are tough. By cultivating a space that nurtures the best parts of you, you give yourself a beautiful gift of self-care.

So, what does creating this magical place look like for you?

Does that mean making your bed each day? Implementing a 5-minute family-wide tidying session each night? Painting the walls? Even hiring help? Ask yourself what sort of home would make you feel content, safe, joyful, calm and proud, and then work backwards to see what steps you can take to bring it to life.

Most importantly, don't think of these steps as chores or burdens. Think of them as a form of self-care, of self-love. Reframe them as time well-spent on creating the most supportive, enriching space for your mind to slow down, your body to rejuvenate, and your spirit to soar.

So what’ll it be for you? Please share in the comments how you plan to show yourself some extra love through the power of your home!

