Embrace the power of Home.

We are deeply connected to and affected by our environments. The function, form, feeling and energetic flow of a space are powerful forces that have strong effects on our well-being. With clear intention, we can shape these forces to create beautiful experiences every day without ever leaving our homes. And I know that when we love our homes, they love us back.

But sometimes, we need a little help.

When we celebrate important life events, most of us don’t think twice about investing in wedding planners or event coordinators. We want our guests to have happy, memorable, even magical experiences (and we want to be able to enjoy it too!) so we hire professionals to help make it happen.

Now imagine that you are the guest and your home is the event - an event you have to attend every single day. It’s only natural that this place will affect your mood, mindset and wellbeing.

That’s where I come in. It’s my mission to ensure that YOU have a beautiful, positive experience in your own home each and every day.


By cutting through clutter to create a home filled only with things you truly love and need.

By organizing your space to function with ease and flow.

And by infusing your home with story, inspiration, meaning, and beauty.

Through these practices you can transform your house from a merely functional structure to a truly holistic, enchanting space. A place that echoes your unique essence, supports you where you need support, and feed your spirit each and every day.

A holistic home begins with YOU - your spirit, your intentions, your actions and your energy.

  • Even small changes, made with intention, can transform your experience of a space.

  • There is no “right” way to design your home.

  • We all need a little help sometimes. There’s no shame in asking for it.

  • The Earth is our first home. Let’s take care of it.

  • Be kind, help others, cultivate joy, practice patience, do not judge.

I believe…
