Feng Shui & Holistic Space


Spirit House / alignment

2-3 hour in-depth Feng Shui consultation + comprehensive report

Has your home become a source of overwhelm & stress?

Does it feel “off,” but you’re not sure what to do to fix it?

Are you struggling to create a space that reflects your unique beauty, voice, and desires?

Or perhaps you’ve struggled to balance all the moving parts of your life to the point that cultivating your home gets put on the back-burner, over and over again. You’re often tired from juggling all of your responsibilities and although you WANT to make changes in your space, you simply don’t know where to start.

You know there’s potential for so much more, and could really use some judgement-free guidance and support to give yourself a space that makes your spirit squeal with delight and exhale

In a Spirit House alignment, we’ll explore ways to transform your space into your own sacred personal sanctuary and infuse it with your unique intentions. You’ll leave with recommendations for simple, inexpensive shifts in layout, decor, storage, and energy, that will allow you to truly flourish in your home. Conducted online via Zoom.