Transformation is possible.

realign your home ~ revive your spirit

Do these sound familiar?

“My home is a source of overwhelm & stress.”

“My home just doesn’t feel like me.”

“I want my home to be a sanctuary, but I don’t know where to begin.”

“I can’t keep up with the clutter that constantly seeps into my life.”

“It can be difficult to relax and truly replenish my body and spirit at home.”

“The energy in my home feels ‘off,’ but I’m not sure how to fix it.”

“I’m often tired from juggling all of my responsibilities, so caring for my home gets put on the back-burner… over and over again.”

living room

In a Spirit House / alignment, we explore ways to transform your space into your own personal sanctuary, infusing it with your unique intentions for greater health, joy, and contentment . You’ll leave with recommendations for simple, inexpensive shifts in layout, decor, storage, and energy, that will allow you to flourish in your home, creating shifts that will resonate into every area of your life.


…find yourself yearning for greater clarity, vitality, and synchronicity in your life.

…desire a nourishing, beautiful, energetically-aligned space that feeds your mind, body and soul.

know there’s potential for so much more, but could really use some judgement-free guidance and support.


Spirit House / alignment

A highly personalized, 3-part holistic design service for those seeking greater ease, beauty, flow, manifestation, and joy.

Spirit House alignments bridge the gap between the energetic and the physical, combining elements of modern Feng Shui and space clearing with functional approaches of space planning, clutter clearing, and home organization. Here’s how it works:


1 / home·work

You begin by completing a few home·work assignments, including a Home Reflection and Elemental Lifestyle Assessment, and sending me photos of your home. You will find that completing this process starts to shift your relationship with your home - the alignment process has already begun!


2 / consultation

Lasting up to 3 hours, your Spirit House / alignment is a 1-on-1 virtual exploration of how we transform your home into the beautiful, sacred sanctuary you crave. We start by going within, framing the session with crystal clear intentions. From there we explore physical shifts (furniture placement, clutter clearing, and organization), energetic shifts (Feng Shui space mapping, space clearing and personally-significant objects), and lifestyle shifts (mindset, self-care, personal rituals) that will support you in cultivating a more aligned, enchanted life.

written report

3 / written report

You receive an in-depth, personalized PDF report outlining everything discussed in your Spirit House / alignment, giving you a step-by-step plan to re-align your internal and external worlds. This report is an invaluable resource that is yours to keep and to refer to as you begin implementing everything discovered in your Spirit House / alignment. If appropriate, reports will include sketches, inspiration images, and links to recommended products or examples of ideas.

“Working with Joanie was such a pleasure and it felt like a real collaborative project! She helped me imagine the way I want to feel in my apartment, and it was obvious that she had put a lot of work and thought into how she can help me achieve my vision that I didn't even know I had. If you ever feel like you're stuck or you could use some help, I know she will be the right person for you!”

— Eri


You will receive:

  • Personal Home Analysis Questionnaire

  • 5 Elements Lifestyle Assessment

  • 1-on-1 virtual session with Joanie (2-3 hours), to include:

    • Full virtual “walk-through” of your space

    • Analysis of potential challenges and blockages that are present in your home

    • Actionable advice on how to clear these blocks, from tackling clutter catastrophes and dysfunctional spaces to clearing out stagnant energy and infusing your space with a vibrant sense of wellbeing

    • Break-down of your personal 5 elements chart, how the elements are manifesting in your space, and what shifts you can make to support your enhanced wellbeing

  • Comprehensive written report (10+ pages) summarizing everything discussed in the video session and offering further recommendations of how to align your home with your needs, desires, and spirit

  • Discounted access to Spirit House / transformation, a 1-on-1 coaching program to help transform your space, manifest desires, and integrate new lifestyle practices into your daily experience of home.

All of this is included in exchange for a one-time payment of:


Save $56!

Or two payments of:


“The entire process of the Spirit House / alignment is imbued with practical magic. From the thoughtful intake questionnaire to the detailed virtual walkthrough to the actionable follow-on report - I felt taken care of and cared for as Joanie helped me make my home both energetically aligned and super pragmatic. I even had a few mindset breakthroughs!

— Yelena