clutter cleanse Spirithouseinteriors

It’s time to reclaim your Home.

Hey sister - I see you. You’re dreaming of a home that feels like a nourishing sanctuary. A place where you can exhale, connect with your authentic self, and find beauty in the simple moments of life. But instead, your space is overrun with stuff! Clothes, toys, paper, knick-knacks, books - you name it. Your mind and spirit are so overwhelmed that you freeze and look away instead of taking action. You just don’t know where to start.

It’s making you feel stressed, frustrated, scattered, and even embarrassed.

You are not alone.

Like thousands of women, you are suffering from a “clutter clog.” The physical cr*p of life is literally getting in the way of your ability to be truly present and relaxed in your home.

But no more.

The time has come to cleanse your space and take the first steps in creating a home that invites you to live in greater beauty, joy, and presence.

You’re invited to…

The Clutter Cleanse

In this 8-week online group course, you’ll learn my proven clutter-clearing methodology and reclaim control of your home.

You’ll explore your emotional relationship to clutter, discovering what beliefs and stories are contributing to the clutter build-up.

And you’ll learn practical approaches to tackle your clutter and avoid getting stuck in the overwhelm.

Together we’ll build and implement a customized plan to transform your home from a stressful to a serene sanctuary.

The Clutter Cleanse registration is currently closed. Sign up here to be notified when the next round begins!

Topics we’ll touch on include:

  • what is clutter and why do you have it?

  • the different types of clutter

  • how to create a customized decluttering game plan

  • how your emotions create clutter

  • clutter & mental health

  • how to stay motivated when you get overwhelmed

  • working with family & housemates

  • the difference between decluttering and organizing

  • clutter, consumerism and capitalism: breaking the cycle

  • and so much more ✨

Joanie the Organizer-Spirithouseinterors

“Joanie’s beautiful, holistic approach to clutter cleansing fostered a safe, non-judgmental space in which I was able to comprehend my broken storage systems and problematic attachments and then restructure my thinking so I could actually solve the issue and not just ‘tidy up.’”

— Julia

The Clutter Cleanse is NOT a passive learning experience.

You will be given clear, specific homework assignments each week to begin transforming your space in real, visible ways.

It will not be easy. But I promise it will be worth it <3

Ready to begin? The Clutter Cleanse registration is currently closed. Sign up here to be notified when the next round begins!

organized kitchen @Spirithouseinteriors

What’s included:

Eight 2-hour group training sessions | Each session will include a combination of lecture, Q&A, and co-working time.

45 minute 1-on-1 coaching call with Joanie | This can be scheduled at any time during the course and is place to receive confidential, personalized feedback.

Private Facebook group | All students will be invited to a private Facebook group where they can share progress, ask questions throughout the week, and connect with each other!

Scheduled co-working time & accountability buddy | Worried you won’t do the homework? Every class concludes with 30 minutes of co-working time so you can get a head start on your homework for the week. And each student will be matched with an accountability buddy; you’ll be encouraged to check-in with and encourage each other in-between our group sessions.

Class recordings | Have to miss a class? No worries; all classes will be recorded and shared with students.

Small class size | This course is limited to 6 students to allow time for personalized feedback.

Course Overview

  • Week 1


    We open by reflecting on our homes, ourselves, and our hopes for this course. We look to the past to inform the work we’ll be doing over the next 8 weeks, encouraging students to get curious about their personal Why.

  • Week 2


    We start to build a deeper awareness of what exactly is causing dis-ease in our homes, using such tools as a home photo tour and clutter mapping.

  • Week 3


    We set ourselves up for clutter clearing success by crafting a thoughtful, customized plan of action. We get crystal-clear on the who, what, when, where - and revisit the why - of our decluttering journeys.

  • Week 4


    As students begin clearing their first category/area, we discuss best practices for cluttering clearing efficiently.

  • Week 5


    This week we continue sorting and purging the clutter that’s clogging up our spaces. In class we explore common challenges that people face when starting to declutter, and discuss how we know when we’ve decluttered “enough”.

  • Week 6


    As we enter the third week of our “home edits,” we look at the ethics of conscious decluttering and how we can be more mindful of what we choose to bring into our homes.

  • Week 7


    When it comes to creating a clear and functioning home, getting rid of stuff is only half of the equation. This week we learn to create systems that make it EASY to maintain our new-found sanctuary vibes.

  • Week 8


    Class is almost done, but our work has just begun! Today we reflect on how far we’ve come and put energy into envisioning what we now have room to create in our homes.

"Going into the Clutter Cleanse, I was scared I might be judged and feel overwhelmed or directionless. Now, I feel like I am on the right path thanks to this course! I felt that Joanie and my fellow students created a safe space where I could be honest about my struggles and where I felt excited to share my wins!"

— Sara

See what’s possible…



  • 16 hours of lecture and coaching ($1280 value)

  • 45 minute 1-on-1 coaching call with Joanie ($60 value)

  • Weekly homework and worksheets to support your progress

  • Private Facebook community to share questions, chat with classmates, and receive feedback

Is cost an issue for you? We offer limited need-based pricing options to ensure this work is accessible to all. Please email to discuss alternative pricing options.

“Joanie is so gifted at supporting people through the Clutter Cleanse planning and execution process. I HIGHLY recommend this class for anyone ready for and outer and inner clutter cleaning journey!”

— Julia


  • All classes will be recorded and shared with registered students.

  • You can schedule your 45 minute session with Joanie at any time during the 8 weeks. You will not be able to schedule your session after the course ends.

  • This course will deal only with clutter that is yours OR that you have permission to clear. If you anticipate working on items that belong to someone other than yourself, be sure to get their consent first.

  • This course is not designed for people with hoarding tendencies. Hoarding disorder is a mental condition that should be treated by a trained social worker or counselor.

  • NO! Clutter clearing doesn’t mean that you have to get rid of all of your possessions and strive for a minimalist aesthetic. In this course, you’ll identify where you fall on the minimalist-maximalist spectrum and work towards that.